Bacon Fat the Clown - Robin Slonina
Crystal Visions - Human Artist
Cultural Amnesia - Recycled Propaganda
Deeyus - Michael Howell
Experimental Hybrid - Roswell
Farming Stars - Don Lyle
Flowers to Gogh - Fizzywood
Food Junkie - Gem Jaxx
Griswold - Niki J Sands
Gunmetal & Roses - Dean Ryker
I Am Not Your Autumn Moon - Jerry Misko
It'z Bwitney Biatch! - Nick San Pedro
Interdimensional Exodus - Steven Horlock
I Want It All - Just Be
Janky Goblins 3137 AD - Art Is Nerd
Kranked Up - Jayson Atienza
Kranky Krome - Pretty Done
Kranksy - Glynn Galloway
Little Dude - Bex Nikols
Liveing Dead - Black57
Luck is Blind - Erika Muecke
Mecha Destroy - GEAR
Noir - Ninobuni
Old Gertrude’s Drawer - Anais Thomassian